An Activity
represents the actual flow of materials through the system. Activities are a quantity of a Product
or Material
, with a resulting CO2e value.
Attribute | Type | Description | Example |
uuid | string | The unique identifier | 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 |
description | string | A description of the activity | Steel purchased |
direction | string | The direction of the activity | in |
supplier | Supplier | The supplier of the activity | { uuid: "...", name: "Steel Co" } |
customer | Customer | The customer of the activity | { uuid: "...", name: "My Company" } |
quantity | number | The amount of the activity | 100 |
unit | Unit | The unit of measure | kg |
startDate | date | The date the activity is valid from | 2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z |
endDate | date | The date the activity is valid until | 2021-12-31T00:00:00.000Z |
product | Product | The product for the activity | { uuid: "...", name: "Steel" } |
scope | Scope | The scope of the activity | { uuid: "...", name: "Scope 2: Electricity" } |
taxonomy | Taxonomy | The category of the activity | { uuid: "...", name: "Steel" } |
org | Org | The org unit responsible for the activity | { uuid: "...", name: "Procurement" } |